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Cruising with Laughter: The Hilarious World of Stand-up Comedy on Cruise Ships

Updated: 5 days ago

One of the joys of being a stand up comedian is the variety of gigs available to play. Since starting out in 2011, I've travelled all over the UK entertaining audiences of all sizes, but in 2021 I took on a new and exciting challenge by taking the laughs to the high seas.

But what is it like to be a stand-up comedian on a cruise ship? Well, it's a unique and exciting experience. You're not just entertaining a captive audience, you're also taking them on a journey to different parts of the world.

One of the biggest challenges of performing on a cruise ship is the limited space. Unlike traditional comedy clubs, cruise ship venues can range from large theatres to intimate cabaret rooms. You have to be able to adapt your material to the space and the audience, many of whom have never been to see live stand up comedy so aren't quite sure what to expect.

But despite the challenges I love the gigs, especially the energy of a cruise ship audience.

The audience are on holiday, they're relaxed, and they're ready to have a good time.

Cruise ship audiences are also a diverse group, with people from all over the world. It's fun to see how different cultures respond to different jokes, and a great way to learn about different countries and cultures.

There are a couple of downsides of course. First of all, you have to have steady legs for when the seas get a little rough. It's hard to perform stand up comedy lying down. Also, you have to realise that your audience are on holiday and that's more important than your show. This means if anyone walks out during your performance you can't be offended; it might just be their dinner reservation has just opened up.

But all in all, the chance to see the world whilst performing is fantastic. From Southampton to St Lucia, Gibraltar to Grenada, the opportunities are endless and standard of accommodation, phenomenal.

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